TIPS 2022

Digital Meeting

ISPO UK MS and ISPO Netherlands are pleased to jointly announce, organise and host TIPS2022 – the premier event for all professionals involved with upper limb prosthetics and rehabilitation and the management of upper extremity absence. Due to the continuing global uncertainties, this event will take place ONLINE from Wednesday 30 March to Friday 1...

FATO 2022

Marrakesh, Morocco Marrakesh,Marokko

Dear members, Dear partners, Dear all. It is with great pleasure, that I am inviting you to attend the 9th FATO International Congress, which will be held in Marrakech, the “red city”, in central Morocco, at the foot of the Atlas Mountains, from 24 to 28 November 2020 March 29th - April 2nd 2022. FATO, as we have always...

OTWorld 2022

Leipziger Messe GmbH Messe-Allee 1,Leipzig,Tyskland

BACK TO THE FUTURE: OTWORLD 2022 PLANS GLOBAL EVENT Preparations have started for OTWorld 2022. In the wake of the exclusively digital OTWorld.connect, the industry eagerly awaits the next edition of its global event, once again to be held as a face-to-face gathering in Leipzig from 10 to 13 May 2022. Developed and tested through...

Kurs: Rehabilitering, habilitering og ortosebehandling for barnehender

Sophies Minde Ortopedi AS Brynsveien 14,OSLO,Norge

Klikk her for registrering og betaling Pris: 5735,- (5330,- for ISPO-medlemmer) Påmeldingsfrist 31. januar 2022 ISPO Norge inviterer til kurs i rehabilitering og habilitering av barnehender i Oslo. Foredragsholder Margareta Persson er autorisert ergoterapeut og har lang erfaring innen håndterapi og hun er en anerkjent foredragsholder internasjonalt. De er mulig å sende in egne pasientkasus...


Scientific Meeting 2023

Stockholmsmässan Mässvägen 1,Älvsjö,Sverige

Mer information om bl.a. abstracts og påmelding kommer om kort tid.

Tverrfagleg fagdag for beinamputasjon

Grand Hotel Terminus Zander Kaaes gate 6,Bergen

Årets fagdag for beinamputasjon skal vere 15. september i Bergen. Fagdagen er ei unik moglegheit til å kome saman for å utveksle erfaringar og for å få fagleg påfyll. Lenke for påmelding: Påmeldingsfrist 15. august 2023


ARD – Tværfaglig Amputations Konference 2024

Musholm, ferie- sport og konference Musholmvej 100,Korsør,Danmark

Det nystiftede tværfaglige selskab, Amputations Rehabilitering Danmark (ARD), inviterer til national konference under temaet  ”Sektorovergange”. Venlig hilsen Paulette Larsen Formand Amputations Rehabilitering Danmark, ARD Les: Forelobigt-program-ARD-konference-2024.pdf