ISPO World Congress 2017

Cape Town International Convention Centre Convention Square, 1 Lower Long St,,Cape Town,South Africa

The full congress programme of the ISPO 16th World Congress is now online! State-of-the-art Keynote Lectures, Instructional Courses, Symposia and Paper Sessions form a four-day programme that you simply cannot afford to miss. Exhibitors will facilitate interesting workshops, and an excellent selection of papers will be displayed in the poster area. With such a broad...

Ortoser för gång till barn med CP och MMC

Stockholm City Conference Centre Barnhusgatan 12-14,Stockholm,Sverige

Barnet, familjen, teamet och processen ISPO-Sverige och Code of Practice hälsar välkommen till en kurs där vi under två dagar tar ett helhetsgrepp om ortoser till barn med CP och MMC. Innehåll ICF- Klassifikation av funktionstillstånd, funktionshinder och  hälsa: ett ramverk för gemensamt språk vid behovsbedömning, målformulering och utvärdering Familjecentrerad vård: målfokuserade insatser meningsfulla för...

Basic Gait Training – Lower Limb Prosthetics

Vienna, Østerrike Vienna,Østerrike

A good treatment management within an interdisciplinary team is necessary to improve the quality of life after an amputation. Individual gait training is a requirement to improve the mobility and independence of the patient and supports the high quality of a prosthetic fitting. This seminar has been designed for all therapists, prosthetists and medical experts...


OTWorld 2018

Leipziger Messe GmbH Messe-Allee 1,Leipzig,Tyskland

Save the date: 15 to 18 May 2018 in Leipzig OTWorld: The sector’s largest meeting place in the world Leipziger Messe / Tom Schulze With more than 540 exhibitors, OTWorld presents a range of up-to-date information and knowledge that is unparalleled anywhere across the globe. Market leaders and start-ups alike will be taking advantage of...

SPARG Conference 2018

Edinburgh Training Centre St Marys Street,,Edinburgh,EH1 1SU,Storbritannia

SPARG Conference 2018 Friday 8th June 2018 Edinburgh Training Centre, St Marys Street, Edinburgh EH1 1SU Topics will include: Renal disease and amputation Innovative fat injections for bony prominence Update on transfemoral surgical technique Upper Limb prosthetics Social Deprivation and amputation Specialist prosthetic case studies Long term transfemoral rehab outcomes Cost: £85 including lunch and...

Nordiske Bandagist Kongres

Kongressen er åben for alle, og programmet for kongressen vil favne bredt innen for det ortopedtekniske område. Mer informasjon finnes på

International Central European ISPO Conference 2018

St. Bernardin Resort Grand Hotel Bernardin, Obala 2,Portoroz,Slovenia

Dear Colleague, It is our pleasure to remind you to the International Central European ISPO Conference taking place in Portorož, Slovenia, from 20 to 22 September 2018. Details: Electronic management system: for Submission of Scientific Abstracts – link for Submission of Case Abstracts - link is now opened. You are kindly invited to submit...

ISPO høstseminar «Rehabilitering og funksjon etter slag»

Rikshospitalet (seksjon B2) - Seminarrom 1 B2.U001 Sognsveien 20,OSLO,Norge

Årets tema blir "Rehabilitering og funksjon etter slag" Tema for årets ISPO Norge seminar er rehabilitering etter slag. I de siste årene har det vært stor utvikling innenfor dette fagfeltet. Slag er et stort fagfelt hvor snarlig rehabilitering står sentralt for å oppnå økt livskvalitet i etterkant. Vedlagt har ISPO Norge satt sammen ett program...