Dear Mr Nilsen,

Please find attached a letter from the ISPO Election Officer Terry Supan with regard to your nomination to the ISPO International Executive Board 2015. We remain at your disposal in case of any questions.

With kind regards

Dear Mr Nilsen,

Thank you very much for having submitted your nomination to the ISPO International Executive Board 2015-17.

It is very encouraging to observe an increased interest in participating in ISPO governance. Close to 20 candidatures have been submitted by ISPO Member Societies and individuals members. As communicated prior to the nomination deadline, the shortlist for the category of Board Member was limited to allow for efficient decision-making with a clear outcome for the six available places. The Protocol Committee and Executive Board have taken the decision to shortlist of 9.

The Protocol Committee and Executive Board have carefully reviewed all applications and selected the final shortlist through an objective method of scoring, in which the following five categories were considered:

  • Professional experience
  • Work for ISPO and other appropriate professional societies and organizations at national level
  • Work for ISPO at international level
  • Other experience / contributions to the Executive Board

I am pleased to inform you that you are ranked in the top 9 and that therefore your name will be listed on the final ballot paper for the elections for membership of the new Executive Board, which will be sent to the International Committee for final vote in the next few days, when also the final ballot list will be uploaded on the ISPO website. The deadline to return the ballot papers will be in December 2014, and the election results will be announced to the International Committee in January/February 2015.

Congratulations for having passed this first step. Please do not hesitate to contact me back in case of any questions.

With kind regards,

Terry Supan, CPO, FISPO
Election Officer and Member, ISPO Protocol Committee

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